OlinkUs tailors management consulting solutions for your company success

Interim or Gap management for immediate leadership needs

Strategic consulting to enhance your business performance

Support for teams' managers to drive organizational success

Aeronautic Space infrastructure projectsAeronautic Space infrastructure projects
Interim or Gap management for immediate leadership needsInterim or Gap management for immediate leadership needs

(for small, medium size or bigger companies)

Created by Olivier Fernandez, Olinkus provides consistent management solutions to immediately create added value to your business

Management Solutions to enhance your business and drive substainable growth

Interim Management

Providing experienced leaders to guide your organization through transitions and ensure operational continuity

This is a mean given to companies that undergo specific situations to benefit from the skills of experienced managers and leaders, capable of taking the reins of an organization or a cross-functional function, in urgency, the time to replace, to straighten out or to carry out a development project

Interim management - Management de transition
Interim management - Management de transition
Management Consulting

Accompanying and guiding a manager on-the-field to give her/him all the opportunities to make a success of her/his new position/responsibilities takeover, or to straighten up a difficult managerial situation

This is often too late that the negative effects of a failed takeover are felt, resulting in the disengagement of all or part of the team, unfulfilled objectives and significant consequences for the performance of the company